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Student Research Reports

Transportation Planning acts as a repository for relevant student research on topics related to transportation at UBC. If you know of research that is not listed and would be good to distribute, please contact us. Transportation Planning celebrates the innovate research that UBC students produce. The new ideas and perspectives of students help the University find new and better ways to improve transportation options and manage transportation demand.

UBC Public Bicycle System Feasibility Study

September 2009
The Public Bicycle Feasibility Study considers whether a bike share system could improve on-campus mobility, reduce travel times and advance UBC’s sustainability goals. Prepared by Adam Cooper as his professional project for the School of Community and Regional Planning with the support of Transportation Planning.

Social Sustainability of Alternate Transportation Modes at The University of British Columbia

August 2006
The two objectives of this report are examining the social sustainability of the U-Pass program here in UBC and to examine the social sustainability of other alternate transportation modes. It focuses on identifying the social factors that cause students at UBC to resist alternate transportation modes, evaluating these social factors to determine possible, positive changes and, finally, recommending improvements to UBC’s alternate transportation systems.

University of British Columbia Commuting Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction between 2002 and 2003

August 2004
The purpose of this report is to compare the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from the UBC commuting fleet between the year 2002 and 2003 at the University of British Columbia. In September of 2003 UBC implemented a campus wide U-Pass that increases the transportation options for students and provides a discounted bus pass. This work is conducted as a follow-up to a prior report prepared for Transportation Planning; Greenhouse Gas Emission Baseline: Students, Faculty And Staff Commuting To The University of British Columbia.

Greenhouse Gas Emission Baseline: Students, Faculty and Staff Commuting to the University of British Columbia

October 2003
The purpose of this report is to establish a clear baseline of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are created by students, faculty and staff commuting to the University of British Columbia (UBC). The impetus for establishing a baseline is to sell GHG emission credits that are earned through the U-Pass. By establishing a baseline of GHG emissions in 2002, the year prior to the U-Pass, UBC can monitor the impact of U-Pass and determine if any credits are available for sale.

Intersection Operational Analysis: 16th Ave. & East Mall

May 2003
The major focus of this study was to measure the current level of operation of the target intersection and attempt for establishing improved signal plan(s). The analysis of the performance of the intersection under the existing signal system was necessary using the present traffic data. Since it is obvious that there can be better alternates, the options were sought with existing phasing/laning layouts but changed timing and also with a change in over all plan (phasing/laning and timing).

Dynamic Ridesharing: Background and Options for UBC

July 2001
Dynamic ridesharing, also called real-time ridesharing or single-trip ridesharing, differs from regular carpooling and vanpooling in that ridesharing is arranged for one-time trips rather than for trips made on a regular basis, and requests for ridesharing can be made close to the time when the travel is desired.

UBC Carpool Strategy Recommended Incentive/Discount Program

July 2001
Transportation Planning’s Carpool team members Kat Ao, Vivian Hoffmann and Carole Jolly compiled this report as part of the new developments with UBC’s Carpool Program.

Emissions Trading: A Feasibility Analysis for UBC

Spring 2001
This report by Vivian Hoffmann and Jeff Chisholm, prepared for Geography 447/448, assesses the feasibility of using a reduction in commuter traffic to offset emissions from the UBC steam plant.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Transportation Planning
3 South, 2260 West Mall
Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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