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Transportation Planning

With over 100,000 trips to and from UBC each day, transportation planning is an important step in ensuring that the community’s commuting needs are met with a wide variety of sustainable transportation options.

A number of plans help inform the direction of transportation goals, policies and projects on the ground at UBC. The Strategic Transportation Plan (STP) is the guiding document for transportation objectives and initiatives on campus. Over the years, there have been two STPs developed, the most recent being in 2005. The Strategic Transportation Plan is set to be updated early in 2011.

The Strategic Transportation Plan informs other UBC Transportation Plans, such as the Campus Transit Plan. UBC’s Land Use Plans are also important documents that are closely related to transportation strategies on campus. Finally, what happens at UBC influences, and is influenced by plans that are developed for the region.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Transportation Planning
3 South, 2260 West Mall
Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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