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Shared Bike Cages

Secure Bike Parking Facilities


Cycling-CagesUBC offers 10 secure bike parking facilities across the campus. These facilities offer you additional security by providing covered bike racks within a secure enclosure. UBC’s facilities are open to members of the community and are FREE of charge – although you have to register with us in order to gain access. To do so visit the AMS Bike Kitchen (located on the lower level of the Student Union Building, with access down the stairs on the north side of the SUB). Be sure to bring a piece of UBC photo ID. For information on UBC’s rental bicycle lockers, click here.

Download the registration form here.

For more information, please call the Bike Kitchen at 604 827 7333.


Secure Bike Parking Locations

Fraser River Parkade Facility located on the north east corner of Level 1. Bike access via the door on the north east corner. This facility will soon feature day-use lockers for storage of bicycle related accessories (helmet, shoes, jacket, etc.)

Chemistry / Physics – Facility located north of Chemistry Block C, in the Chemistry Physics Courtyard, behind the Abdul Ladha Science Student Centre.This facility features day-use lockers for storage of bicycle related accessories (helmet, shoes, jacket, etc.). Please provide your own lock and do not leave items for longer than 24 hours. This facility also has and a repair stand with air-pump and tools for emergencies.

Faculty of Law
1822 East Mall
Facility located outside, on the north east corner of Allard Hall

North Parkade
6155 Student Union Boulevard
Facility located on Level 2, with access on the west side of the parkade, next to the Hillel House. This facility features day-use lockers for storage of bicycle related accessories (helmet, shoes, jacket, etc.). Please provide your own lock and do not leave items for longer than 24 hours.

Buchanan Tower
1873 East Mall
Located on the south building facade in both the east and west corners of the building. This facility features day-use lockers for storage of bicycle related accessories (helmet, shoes, jacket, etc.). Please provide your own lock and do not leave items for longer than 24 hours.

West Parkade
2140 Lower Mall
Located on west side near gate 6, near the Swing Space Building. Enter off of West Mall onto the 4th floor and turn left. This facility features day-use lockers for storage of bicycle related accessories (helmet, shoes, jacket, etc.). Please provide your own lock and do not leave items for longer than 24 hours.

Health Sciences Parkade
2250 Health Sciences Mall
Located on southeast sector, behind University Hospital.

Thunderbird Parkade
6085 Thunderbird Boulevard
Located in the southeast sector, south of the University Hospital at Thunderbird Blvd. and Wesbrook Mall.This facility features day-use lockers for storage of bicycle related accessories (helmet, shoes, jacket, etc.). Please provide your own lock and do not leave items for longer than 24 hours.

Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory (AERL Building)
2202 Main Mall
Located in the lower loading dock area on the north side of the building.

Totem Field
2613 West Mall
Located at the back of the Totem Field Studios building. Enter through wooden gate at the front.


a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Transportation Planning
3 South, 2260 West Mall
Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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