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Transportation Status Reports

The following reports provide a comprehensive and temporal review of UBC transportation patterns and trends for all modes.

2012 Transportation Status Report

The Transportation Status Report presents the most recent data which UBC has collected. This report provides a picture of overall travel trends, as well as details of travel patterns for each mode of transportation. Data are also provided regarding on-campus transportation conditions.

2011 Transportation Status Report

2010 Transportation Status Report

2009 Transportation Status Report

2008 Transportation Status Report

2007 Transportation Status Report

2006 Transportation Status Report

2005 Transportation Status Report

2004 Transportation Status Report

A comprehensive 2004 transportation status report was not developed. The following information has been excerpted from the 2005 Strategic Transportation Plan and provides 2004 mode share trends.

2003 Transportation Status Report

This status report provides a snapshot of transportation conditions at UBC following the introduction of the U-Pass, and identifies changes in travel patterns which have occurred since 1997.

2002 Transportation Status Report

This status report provides a review of current transportation conditions and travel patterns, as well as changes which have occurred in the past five years. This report also draws conclusions regarding the reasons for changes in travel patterns, and provides recommendations regarding additional initiatives that UBC could pursue to achieve further changes.

2001 Transportation Status Report

This report of the UBC Transportation Data Collection Program, profiles travel patterns and trends and compares the new numbers with past data, and includes 1997 benchmark data.

1997 UBC ‘Benchmark’ Transportation Data Summary

As one of the commitments made in the UBC Official Community Plan and GVRD/UBC Memorandum of Understanding, UBC has undertaken a comprehensive annual transportation data collection and monitoring program. The first comprehensive data collection program – the benchmark – was undertaken in November 1997 at all major road screenline locations on the periphery of the University Endowment Lands (UEL), at the border of the City of Vancouver. Read the results here.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Transportation Planning
3 South, 2260 West Mall
Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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