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Parking is an important element of transportation demand management – regulating the availability and price of parking influences individuals’ decisions to drive or take alternative modes of transportation. What’s more, ensuring flexibility with parking permits allows for individuals to drive when they need to, but take alternative modes where possible.

Over the years UBC Parking & Access Control Services has taken on a number initiatives to encourage sustainable transportation choices.  For instance, UBC Parking allows individuals to register multiple cars on one parking permit, encouraging people to share the driving and the cost of parking by carpooling. The introduction of the Flex Pass makes it affordable to drive some days, and take other modes of transit other days. Cheaper rates for motorcycles incentivizes lower impacts vehicles. In addition, UBC Parking & Access Control Services oversees the operation of 9,268 parking spaces on the campus, a decline from 14,000 in 1980, as new buildings have replaced surface lots.

For more information on parking at UBC, go to www.parking.ubc.ca.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Transportation Planning
3 South, 2260 West Mall
Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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