Transportation Planning engages in many transportation-related research projects, which are published as they reach their final stages. Other relevant reports and projects may also be posted here from time to time.
Transportation Planning at UBC is guided by the Strategic Transportation Plan (STP), which outlines objectives and policies for attaining the goals set out in the Official Community Plan and TREK 2010. This is a great document to read if you want to find out more about the future of transportation at UBC, and how it will be achieved.
Produced yearly, the Transportation Status Reports summarize transportation statistics and compare them to the base year of 1997. Read the TSRs to learn how UBC is progressing towards its transportation goals.
Transportation Planning conducts and commissions background reports on various transportation issues on and to campus. Examples include parking, carpooling, development guidelines, and cycling infrastructure. This research helps us develop policies and deliver programs which are appropriate and effective to our strategic initiatives.
Transportation Planning acts as a repository for relevant student research on topics related to transportation at UBC.
Transportation Planning also conducts surveys and focus groups at UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan to gain a better understanding of transportation needs, satisfaction with services, and the travel habits of community members. Every two years a transportation survey is conducted.
There are many other plans which are important to transportation planning and demand management at UBC. These plans include the Official Community Plan, the Liveable Region Strategic Plan, and the UBC/Vancouver Area Transit Plan.