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University Boulevard Construction Activity

Cyclists and pedestrians using University Boulevard to enter the campus from Vancouver and those travelling on campus should be aware of current and upcoming construction activity on portions of this route. The construction of new institutional facilities on campus is intended to support UBC’s academic mission. Several major construction projects are currently impacting the University Boulevard corridor and adjacent areas. These include the new Student Union Building and the UBC Bookstore renovations at the intersection of University Boulevard and East Mall as well as the construction of the Ponderosa Commons at the West Mall and University Boulevard intersection. For more information on construction activities at UBC, please see UBC’s Infrastructure Development’s map of current projects.

SLOWIn order to ensure the safety of pedestrians and cyclists moving around confined spaces in areas of construction, cyclists and pedestrians should be aware of their surroundings and of each other. Conditions in these areas will be changing – sometimes on a daily basis – and caution should be used as construction moves through various phases to completion. Construction hoarding may change and result in changing pinch points for cyclists and pedestrians.  Signage has been installed in advance of construction areas to advise cyclists to travel slowly and yield to pedestrians (see left).

CLOSEDAlong University Boulevard from Main Mall to Lower Mall, construction activity has impacted cycling routes in both the eastbound and westbound directions and signage has been placed to warn cyclists that the bike lanes may be closed (see right). Alternative cycling routes are available via Agronomy Road, Thunderbird Boulevard, Agricultural Road, Memorial Road or Bio Sciences Road.

For commuter cyclists approaching UBC via University Boulevard, a new optional detour route has been created to help avoid the construction happening along portions of University Boulevard. The detour will take cyclists from University Boulevard to Toronto Road to Western Parkway and use Agronomy Road to enter the campus. This route has been marked with detour signs and an information sign has been placed on University Boulevard to indicate this option to cyclists wishing to avoid the construction activity.




a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Transportation Planning
3 South, 2260 West Mall
Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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