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Background Reports

Transportation Planning conducts and commissions background research on various transportation issues on and to campus. Examples include parking, carpooling, development guidelines, and cycling infrastructure. This research helps us develop policies and deliver programs which are appropriate and effective.

West 16th Avenue Studies

November 2011: Pedestrian Overpass Study

October 21, 2011: Wesbrook Place Traffic Analysis of Redistributed Dwelling Units

February 6th, 2006: Roundabout Consultation Report

Off-Campus On-Street Parking Study

March 2011

An Off-Campus on-Street Parking study was conducted in March 2011 in order to better understand the impacts of non-residential users, including UBC students, who may be parking on residential streets in communities adjacent to the UBC campus.


U-PASS 18-month review

May 2005
18-month review of the U-Pass Program. This study was conducted in partnership with UBC, the AMS, SFU, SFSS, and TransLink to identify how U-Pass Programs can be enhanced to better meet the needs of students, universities, and TransLink, in addition to informing the development of potential future U-Pass programs.

Technical Report: U-TREK Card Program

November 1999
Defines what a U-TREK Card is, how it could be implemented, and expected results.

Research Paper: A Business Case — Cost Benefit Analysis of U-TREK Card Program

October 1999
This report examines the social cost benefit analysis for the proposed UBC U-TREK Card program.

Transit Service Plan: Discussion Paper #8

June 2000
Provides an overview of improvements required to transit services at UBC, in order to accommodate the increased demand for transit as a result of the planned U-TREK card.


UBC ComPASS Demonstration Project

ComPASS – short for “Community Transportation Pass” – is an all-inclusive initiative for residents in a defined neighbourhood or area. The key feature of the ComPASS program is unlimited use of transit services for all members of a household – on all forms of transit, on all days and at all times. The UBC Demonstration Project took place in 2004. ComPASS is currently not available.

  • Download [PDF – 2.36 MB / 117 pages]

University Boulevard Bike Path

After a thorough consultation process, a complete feasibility study, a large fundraising campaign, and full approval from the Ministry of Highways, the four narrow lanes along University Boulevard have been converted into two proper lanes combined with two bike lanes. This project is the first such transformation of roadway to bike lanes in BC’s history, and is a major step in improving bicycling facilities to UBC.

University Boulevard Bicycle Path Performance report

Surveys the use of the bike lane after it was created. Report prepared in 2001.

University Boulevard Bicycle Path Proposal

Read the complete feasibility study written on the University Boulevard Bicycle Facilities. This paper discusses objectives, options, design issues, and costs.

Notes from the Public Meeting

October 1998

Parking at UBC


The June 1998 Parking Report including results of the May survey and research on parking policies in other jurisdictions.

Research Paper: “Parking Review”

November 1999
A UBC survey of parking management practices on- and off-campus, including residential, commuter, and commercial parking.

Visit the Parking & Access Control website for more information on parking at UBC.

Campus Transportation Management

Transportation Report Card

December 2002
This Report Card provides a summary of how well UBC is doing in achieving its transportation objectives. Specifically, this report examines changes in traffic patterns at UBC, whether UBC has met established targets, and comparisons with conditions in other areas of the region.

Transportation Data Collection – Summary

October 2001
This report of the UBC Transportation Data Collection Program, profiles travel patterns and trends and compares the new numbers with past data.

Discussion Paper #1: Issues and Opportunities

January 1998
See how Transportation Planning has progressed since the Fall of 1997.

Technical Memorandum: UBC HOV Program

Describes how HOV targets were set, how they compare with experience elsewhere, and how the targets will be achieved.

Strategic Transportation Plan

Progress Report on UBC Transportation Demand Management and Trucking (UBC Strategic Transportation Plan)

September 2001

Technical Memorandum: STP Targets

October 1999
Describes how targets were set, experience elsewhere, and how targets will be met.

Discussion Paper #3: Process Design, How to Get There From Here

May 1998
This paper recommends the consultation process for developing and implementing the Strategic Transportation Plan.

Discussion Paper #2: Developing a Strategic Transportation Plan for UBC, Options and Priorities

February 1998
This paper contains transportation issues and opportunities that UBC Students, Staff and Faculty must consider.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Transportation Planning
3 South, 2260 West Mall
Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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