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Bike Share Programs

Purple and Yellows

The Bike Co-op is a student-run organization dedicated to making UBC a better place for cyclists and their bikes. You can become a member for 6 hours of volunteer work, or $15 for students/ $20 for faculty, staff, and community members. With membership, and one night of volunteering at a Tuesday P&Y party from 6-9pm, you can get access to 50-100 public bikes. The Purple and Yellow (P & Y) fleet is located throughout campus. Grab one, and ride to where you want to go. When you’re done with it, lock the bike back up and leave it there for the next person to use.

Call 604.822.BIKE (604.822.2453) for more information, or drop by the bike hub, located on the north side of the SUB (beside the lower entrance). For more updates, please consult their website: http://bikecoop.ca/

Staff Bike-Share Program

For a fun, informational video, click here.

UBC Vancouver staff have access to 5 bikes, located at the stores desk in the University Services Building (USB) at 2329 West Mall. Taking a bike out is easy.

  • Fill out an enrollment form
  • Request a bike
  • Sign the bike out
  • Ride for up to three hours
  • Return the bike
  • Sign the bike back in

Sign up for the staff bikeshare program in the USB building.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Transportation Planning
3 South, 2260 West Mall
Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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