Bicycle Removal
While UBC aims to provide a wide variety of End-Of-Trip-Facilities and options for bicycle parking, some areas are not appropriate for locking your bike.
Reporting Bicycle Parking violations
Bicycles that are parked in places that restrict pedestrian movement, access to buildings, or critical infrastructure such as fire hydrants will be removed.
If you see a bicycle locked in a place where it must be immediately removed, please contact Plant Operations’ Trouble Calls at 604-822-2173.
For the removal of abandoned bicycles, or bicycles that may not need to be removed immediately, contact the Transportation Office at 604-822-8735.
Claiming removed bicycles
If your bicycle has been removed, please contact Plant Operations’ Trouble Calls at 604-822-2173. Please bring a photo or description of your bike, as well as ID when you pick up your bicycle.
Abandoned bicycles, and those that are not immediately removed due to safety hazards, will be tagged for 3 days prior to removal. Once removed, Plant Operations will store the bikes for 90 days. If they are not claimed in that time, bicycles are usually sent to the Bike Kitchen for refurbishing and may be sold or become part of the purple and yellow community bikes program.