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Emergency Ride Home

Does the thought of being without your car in the event of an emergency make you nervous? If so, you’re definitely not alone.

But now, we’ve taken care of the “what ifs” – Emergency Ride Home (ERH) provides commuters who regularly vanpool, carpool, bike, walk, or take transit with a reliable ride home via a cab when an emergency arises. Transportation Planning will reimburse you for 90% of the cost (before tip)!

How does the program work?


Black Top Cabs:

Checker Cabs:
(604) 683-4567

Vancouver Taxi:
(604) 871-1111

Yellow Cabs:
(604) 681-1111

MacLure’s Cabs:
(604) 683-6666

  • Call a taxi company and request a pickup.
  • Request a taxi receipt that indicates fare paid, not including the tip.
  • Submit the original receipt along with a completed application form [PDF – 39K] to:

Emergency Ride Home Program
c/o Transportation Planning
2260 West Mall, CIRS, Vancouver BC
V6T 1Z4

Who can use it?

  1. UBC faculty, staff and students. UBC sites include: UBC Main Campus; South Campus; Robson Square; Hospital Sites (UBC, St. Paul’s, VGH.)
  2. You must use a non-SOV (single occupancy vehicle) commute mode to travel to UBC at least 3 times a week (e.g., carpooling, transit, cycling, walking).
  3. You must have used one of the above transportation modes on the day you request an ERH.

*Note: This service may only be used for trips between a University site and the location of emergency, a residence, hospital, or to get to the location of a parked vehicle (i.e., a park and ride). You may use the program to a maximum of 4 times a year.

What qualifies as an emergency?

  • Personal illness
  • Illness of your child or dependent
  • Family emergency

Examples of situations not considered emergencies:

  • You worked overtime
  • You missed your carpool or the last bus
  • Your class is canceled
  • You need to travel from work to a scheduled appointment
  • You need to pick up your car from the auto repair shop

Further Information

The Transportation Office will evaluate the applications based on the information provided and for added security, will follow up with the contact name provided. When the application is approved, you will be contacted and a cheque will be issued.

Expect two to six weeks for approval. A reimbursement cheque will be mailed to you.

If you have any outstanding questions, you can download our FAQ sheet [PDF – 36K] or contact Transportation Planning:

Tel: (604) 822-8735
Email: michael.peterson@ubc.ca


ERH is a service provided by Transportation Planning. UBC will do its best to provide the Emergency Ride Home program in accordance with the guidelines discussed in the above. By requesting assistance from the Emergency Ride Home program, the participant in the program explicitly acknowledges that UBC assumes no liability for the timeliness of participating vendor(s) or any accidents that may occur en route. Any attempt at defrauding the service will be dealt with accordingly.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Transportation Planning
3 South, 2260 West Mall
Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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