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Enrolment information

How do I sign up?

  1. Obtain an EPP Enrolment Form from Transportation Planning or click here to download and print one out.
  2. Submit the completed form and a $15 administration fee (cheque only, payable to “UBC”) to staff at the Carding Office in the UBC Bookstore. Applicants who have previously paid this fee and have been enrolled in EPP at UBC or through another employer still need to pay the administration fee. Note: all EPP applications must be received by 3 pm on the day of the deadline.
  3. Pick up your EPP pass once the UBC EPP Administrator has notified you that your pass is available.

How much does it cost?

EPP users save approximately 15% off the regular transit pass price. However, to receive this discount the pass holder must commit to the program for a minimum of 12 consecutive months. Payments are deducted one month in advance of use from the employee’s paycheck and split into each paycheque. For example, if you have a two-zone employer pass, $72.00 will be deducted from each paycheck, totaling $124.00 per month.

Conventional Transit Pass
FareCard Regular Price (Monthly) EPP Price (Monthly) Annual Savings
One Zone $91.00 $79.25  $141
Two Zone $124.00 $106.75  $207
Three Zone $185.00 $146.25  $285
West Coast Express Pass (includes conventional transit pass)
Return Trip to Waterfront From: Regular Price (28 day pass) EPP Price (Monthly) Annual Savings*
Port Moody/ Coquitlam/Port Coquitlam $201 $185  $393
Pit Meadows/Maple Meadows/Haney $244 $225 $472
Mission $335.75 $310  $644.75
*Based on purchase of thirteen (13) 28-day passes for a full year versus 12-month EPP rate.

Further savings are available through the federal transit tax credit.

Renewal information

EPP (Employer Pass Program) bus passes expire every December 31st. New passes will be issued at the end of the year. Although your pass is only valid until December 31, your participation in the program will continue automatically.

Email notification to all current Employer Pass holders regarding the pass renewal procedures will be sent in late November to early December. If you do not receive a notification or do not have an e-mail address, please keep checking this website for pass renewal updates or contact Transportation Planning for further details.

End of the year Renewal procedure

  • Bring your old Employer Pass to be exchanged for the new pass. Please be prepared to provide your Employee ID# (7-digit UBC, AMS, WebCT, Rick Hansen Institute or Regent College) and up-to-date contact details in order to verify or update our records.
  • If you are unable to exchange your Employer Pass in-person, you can have another person pick up your pass on your behalf. In this case, the person will need to provide us with the following in order to pick up your pass:a) a signed letter of proxy authorizing him or her to exchange passes on your behalf.
    b) a piece of their photo ID
    c) your old Employer Pass. Please note, passes WILL NOT be mailed out.
  • EPP representatives from AMS/WebCT/VST/Regent College/Rick Hansen Institute may elect to collect your group’s Employer Pass – if so, please contact Transportation Planning to arrange this. Once passes are handed over, Transportation Planning will not accept responsibility for passes not received.

Note: There are no automatic terminations and failure to pick up your 2013 Employer Pass will not mean either that deductions will cease, or that your EPP participation is over.

Direct questions to:
Transportation Planning

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Transportation Planning
3 South, 2260 West Mall
Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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